Friday, September 5, 2008

On politic(ian)s and writing.

Inspired by convention mania and an overdose of political news, we've decided to round up all the books by presidential and vice-presidential candidates. (Major party candidates only, and frankly, Ralph Nader could probably fill multiple posts -- he's prolific as a writer. Did you know that man only sleeps 3-4 hours a night? And does anyone even know that Bob Barr is running? Is Ron Paul still in this thing?)

John McCain (all "co-written" with Mark Salter, cough cough):
Faith of My Fathers
Why Courage Matters
Worth the Fighting For
Hard Call: The Art of Great Decisions
Character is Destiny
KEYWORDS: faith, fighting, hard

Barack Obama:
Dreams from My Father
The Audacity of Hope
Change We Can Believe In (forthcoming, cover notes the foreword is by BO)
KEYWORDS: dreams, hope, change

Sarah Palin:
Moosehuntin' Hockey Mom with Great Hair Seeks Same (OK, I made that one up. Turns out she hasn't written any books... yet.)

Joe Biden:
Promises to Keep

BONUS: Chicago writer Stephen Markley's look at terrible vice presidential choices throughout history on Radar.

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