Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Unpleasant writing topics: Your butt

Anybody up for reading about colonoscopies?! NO??

Well, what if the story starts like this:
My butt could save your life.
Not my butt, per se, but what's in my butt.

Yowza. Talk about a personal essay. But that column, from the Poynter Institute's Roy Peter Clark, would keep me reading. It's funny and weird and totally appeals to the 12-year-old gross-out fanatic in me.

We can also look at another model of this style (from Dave Barry):
OK. You turned 50. You know you're supposed to get a colonoscopy. But you haven't. Here are your reasons:
1. You've been busy.
2. You don't have a history of cancer in your family.
3. You haven't noticed any problems.
4. You don't want a doctor to stick a tube 17,000 feet up your butt.

Now, from the start, I'm a bit less into it -- the age in the lede makes me tune out a little, because I'm nowhere near 50. If I made it to #4, I'd probably tune back in.

Sensitive topic, but handled with humor -- that's something I like to read. Clark blogs about his column and approach on Poynter, here.

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